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Greenland: Adventure into the Unknown

Photos of Greenland

Greenland, the world’s largest island, had been dubbed the New Patagonia for good reason. Surrounded by the petrol-blue waters of the frigid Arctic Ocean, icebergs the size of houses drift down deep fjords from the permanent ice sheet that covers the hinterland of this island nation of less than 60,000 souls. 

Snow-streaked mountains, some around 2,000 metres high, lift their granite heads into a speedwell-blue sky, shimmering waterfalls tumble headlong down vertical rocky walls sculpted by glaciers that have laid bare their geology, and turquoise rivers spill out of surprisingly verdant valleys, especially in the south west of the island. Settlements are few and far between, but are picture postcard pretty with their brightly coloured wooden cabins nestled above rocky shorelines.

Photographing the country is challenging, as some of the best and least discovered photo locations lie in relatively inaccessible places, which require lengthy treks to reach.

So if you fancy a real wilderness experience, in a remote unspoilt region which resembles the landscape of Ireland or Scotland at the end of the last Ice Age, then Greenland could be the place for you!